Hello to all! My name is Kim Bour other wise known as The Smiling Goat.I am a stay at home Mom, Wife, and Artist. We live in the foothills of North Carolina with 4 cats,1 dog,2 horses, and 2 guinea pigs!! Can ya tell I'm a pet lover?! I love to create whether it be making dolls, rug hooking, or painting to name a few.
Due to some bad luck I will not be teaching at the Artful Gathering. PLEASE do not pre-register for my class! If you know of anyone that has registered or wanted to pass this along. The GOOD news is that I will be offering a on-line video here in the future. I will also have a new pattern commming out here in the next 2 weeks!! Thanks for all of your support!~Kim~
Between gardening and cleaning I have managed to get this wonderful Folky gal done for the Primnest site. Please don't forget Mother's Day it's just around the corner!! Have a great weekend!
WOW so many things to do and so litle time! Working on Dollies and rugs here! Also if you haven't heard there is a new selling site that will be launched the 1st of March! The "Primnest" will have it's debut here shortly. This wondeful site will update the 1st and 15th of evrry month. So look for me with new offerings!
I would like to share some exciting news! I have been invited to teach a online workshop! YES! You can get all the info by clicking on the Artful Gathering badge in the left column of my Blog. At this point I know that my project that I will be teaching will be a Hallowe'en piece. Hurry on over and check it out. Pre-registratioon is taking place now! Yipppeeeeeeee !!
So glad to be back in blog land! I am having alot of fun with Facebook! If you are on facebook I have a pag dedicated to The Smiling Goat! I am up to 440 followers and once I hit 500 I will have a BIG give away! Head on over!
I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! I have been busy drawing and buying yummy fabrics and WOOL! Yes I said wool for rug hooking! I haven't offered a piece in quite sometime so be on the look out! It's a New Year with New thoughts! Yipppeeee!!
I haven't been on here in awhile...it's been hectic at the homestead with some remodeling going on.We are just about to be done with that.Then it's working outside! Never a dull moment! I was able to create a new "Herb" angel for the PFATT Marketplace. Here's a pic of her.Thanks for letting me share! Until next time......
It has snowed here in Statesville for the 3rd time this year! Can you believe it??!! That just goes to show you that is does snow in the South!LOL! I took some pics of the horses and landscape. it was just gorgeous with the sun beating down and the new fallen fluff! It looked like someone tossed out a zillion diamonds on the ground.The horses just love it too. They like to make "horse" angels in the snow! Tooo funny.Hope ya enjoy the pics
Yes I turned this wonderful plump gal into a pattern! She is so fun to make! Definetly will be a hit if you do Folkart shows. I'll leave the link below. Tahnks for looking!
Yes I am back! It's been a while I know! I promise to do better!LOL! I'm thinking Spring! With the weather being the way it is here Statesville...Snow...rain..sleet! It's time for a change.I have this great Rabbit up for auction on E-bay.She is a gem! A whopping 27" plus ears. I'll leave the link below.