Hello to all! My name is Kim Bour other wise known as The Smiling Goat.I am a stay at home Mom, Wife, and Artist. We live in the foothills of North Carolina with 4 cats,1 dog,2 horses, and 2 guinea pigs!! Can ya tell I'm a pet lover?! I love to create whether it be making dolls, rug hooking, or painting to name a few.
Yes it's that time of the year where all of us that work with our hands start to share our Christmas/Holiday pieces! I'm sure alot of you have even started earlier than this! There is never enough time each year to get everything that I have dreamed up created. I say this every year!! So with that I have listed my first Santa ! Very prim and Folky indeed he is! Could this possibly be a pattern in the works....we'll see.................
Hi eveyone! Yesterday was a pretty busy day as every Saturday is! Taylor's Volleyball team had 2 games and the other JV team had 1. Our Sports Association held a pancake breakfast as a fundraiser too. My day started at 6 am and ended at 1 am! The night ended with me taking Taylor and 3 friends to a Haunted Trail! NEVER again! But I am working vigorously to get my Black Santa done. For he will be put into a pattern! Yippee! and a snowman too. For right now I have 2 dollies on E-bay that would love a new home!One is wearing a cotton childs dress from the turn-of-the century! The both end on Thursday Oct.8th. Thanks for peeking! Now I must go cook some breakfast for the masses.See ya soon!